A Blog-u-mentary
about one family's experience moving from a
tropical Caribbean paradise
to another type of paradise in the
heart of Provence.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Baume Les Messieurs

BAUME les MESSIEURS - Isabel took us to a very cool place near her house. It's kind of like France's version of the Grand Canyon, on a much smaller scale. This picture shows us looking down into the canyon, which literally reveals the generations of evolution in the earth's history on the stone walls on either side.

Barely visible at the very top of the picture is a town called called Baume les Messieuers which is nestled in the base of the canyon. It's a tiny town and you have to wind down a narrow road to get to it. We enjoyed a traditional local meal there, including local trout that populate the cold water streams which run through the canyon.

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